The Saints Study
Enjoying a Relationship with Jesus When You're Disillusioned with Religion
Order Saints Today
In Saints, we will look at characters and themes that are cautionary tales for Christians and Christian leaders. None of us are above the actions described in the Bible, and all of us are in need of the redemption and restoration of God.
In the Saints Bible study, we will explore:
John 3, 7, and 19: Nicodemus, the Pharisee disoriented by Jesus’ testimony;
John 6, 12, 13, and 18: Judas, the disciple who sold Jesus out;
John 11 and 18 and Acts 4: Caiaphas, the high priest unwilling to steward his power generously;
John 18 and 21: Peter, the disciple who denied association with Jesus;
Acts 8 and 1 Timothy 1: Paul, the Pharisee who persecuted Christians.
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For Small Groups
Whether you’ve been a discussion leader for decades or just volunteered to lead a group for the first time, you’ll find the resources you need to create a loving atmosphere for men and women to grow in Christlikeness. The Saints Small Group Guide includes discussion questions, Scripture readings and prayer prompts.
For Ministry Leaders
Planning and leading through a semester of ministry can be both challenging and rewarding. That’s why every Storyline Bible Study is written so you can build modular semesters of ministry. Together, Sinners & Saints Leader Guide can support a whole semester of ministry seamlessly, inviting the people you lead into God’s Word and making your life simpler. Guide includes preaching topics, sample calendars, (6-week, 10-week, 12 week), Scripture readings and prayer prompts.
Yes. Each lesson in the Storyline Bible studies are divided into four 15-to-20-minute parts (about eighty minutes total of individual study time). You can work through the material one part at a time over a few different days, or all in one sitting. Either way, this study will be like anything good in your life: what you put in, you get out. Each of the four parts of each lesson plan will help you practice Bible-study methods too.
Yes. Whether you’ve been a discussion leader for decades or just volunteered to lead a group for the first time, you’ll find the resources you need to create a loving atmosphere for men and women to grow in Christlikeness. You can download the small-group guide here.
Yes. Every Storyline Bible Study is written so you can build modular semesters of ministry. For example, the Mountains Bible study is designed to complement the Valleys Bible study. Together, Mountains and Valleys can support a whole semester of ministry seamlessly, inviting the people you lead into God’s Word and making your life simpler. You can download The Leader’s Guide here to access:
• Sample ministry calendar for a ten-plus-lesson semester of ministry
• Small-group discussion questions for each lesson
• Scripture readings for each lesson
• Prayer prompts for each lesson
• Teaching topics for messages that could be taught in large-group setting
• Resources for deeper study
Each lesson is divided into four 15-to-20-minute parts (about eighty minutes total of individual study time).
The content will not go over your head. You’ll be introduced to a lot of new concepts but without church-y words.
Yes. Every study emphasizes close readings of large portions of Scripture, following one theme instead of focusing on one verse or passage, Christological narrative theology without a lot of church-y words, and retrospective or imaginative readings of the Bible to help Christians follow the storyline of Scripture.
Each lesson in the Storyline Bible studies is divided into four, 15-to-20-minute parts and each of the four parts help you practice Bible-study methods.
Part 1: Context. Do you ever feel dropped into a Bible story disoriented? Part 1 will introduce you to the story you’re going to study and its scriptural context.
Part 2: Seeing. Part 2 includes close Scripture reading and observation questions to empower you to answer the question What is the story saying?
Part 3: Understanding. Part 3 will give you the tools to understand the author’s intended meaning for both the original audience and yourself. Part 3 will enable you to answer the question What does it mean?
Part 4: Responding. Part 4 will include journal space for reflection and a blank checklist for actionable next steps. You’ll be able to answer the questions What truths is it teaching? and How do I apply this to my life?
If you are longing for a breath of fresh air in your spiritual life, this study is for you. Kat Armstrong brings to life both familiar and less familiar Bible stories in such an engaging way, you can’t help but see how the God of the past is also working and moving in your present. Through the captivating truths revealed in this series, you will discover more about God’s faithfulness, be equipped to move past fear and disappointment, and be empowered to be who you were created to be. If your faith has felt mundane or routine, these words will be a refreshing balm to your soul and a guide to go deeper in your relationship with God.
Hosanna Wong, international speaker, bestselling author of How (Not) to Save the World
Kat has done two things that I love. She’s taken something that is familiar and presented it in a fresh way that is understandable by all, balancing the profound with accessibility. And her trustworthy and constant approach to Bible study equips the participant to emerge from this study with the ability to keep studying and growing more.
Marty Solomon, creator and executive producer of The BEMA Podcast
You are in for an adventure. In this series, Kat pulls back the curtain to reveal how intentionally God has woven together seemingly disconnected moments in the collective Bible story. Her delivery is both brilliant and approachable.
Jenn Jett Barrett, founder and visionary of The Well Summit
Anyone who ponders these Bible studies will come to terms not only with the storyline of the Bible but also with where each of us fit in God’s grand narrative. I heartily commend Kat’s Storyline Bible Studies.
Rev. Canon Dr. Scot McKnight, professor of New Testament at Northern Seminary
Kat Armstrong takes you into the heart of Scripture so that Scripture can grow in your heart. Storyline Bible Studies have everything: the overarching story of God’s redemption, the individual biblical story’s historical context, and the text’s interpretation that connects with today’s realities.
Lynn H. Cohick, PhD, provost/dean of academic affairs at Northern Seminary
Here’s where Kat Armstrong’s studies shine. Each volume presents Bible study as a journey through Scripture that can be transformational. In the process, she enables readers to see the overarching storyline of the Bible and to find their place in that story.
William W. Klein, PhD, professor emeritus of New Testament Interpretation, author of Handbook for Personal Bible Study
I’m convinced that the Bible is somehow powerfully simple and beautifully complex. Like a diamond viewed from different angles, scripture continually confronts my heart in fresh ways. This bible study series offers insightful perspectives and gives its participants a refreshing opportunity to admire the character of God and be transformed by the truth of His word. Our souls need to meander through the minutia and metanarrative of the Bible, and Storyline helps us do both.
If you are relatively new to the Bible or are struggling to see how it all fits together, your trek with Kat will be well worth it. You might even decide that hiking through the Bible is your new hobby.
Carmen Joy Imes, associate professor of Old Testament at Biola University, author of Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters
Kat has done it again! The same wisdom, depth, humility, and authenticity that we have come to expect from her previous work is on full display here in her new Storyline Bible Study series. Kat is the perfect guide through these important themes and through the story of Scripture: gentle and generous on the one hand, capable and clear on the other.
Dan Lowery, president of Pillar Seminary
Kat Armstrong possesses something I deeply admire: a sincere and abiding respect for the Bible. Her tenaciousness to know more about her beloved Christ, her commitment to truth-telling, and her desire to dig until she mines the deepest gold for her Bible-study readers makes her one of my favorite Bible teachers. This project is stunning, like the rest of her work.
Lisa Whittle, bestselling author of Jesus Over Everything, Bible teacher, podcast host